Leading In Professional Services Is Complicated
You have battled your way through law school, landed a great job, built your reputation as a technical expert, understood the commercial context of your sector. Nothing quite prepares you for the next step. There are new skills to learn, new balls to juggle.You must
Continue to delight your clients
Meet different billing targets
Bring in new business
Build new and different relationships with your colleagues
Learn what it means to be a business owner
Manage people who were once your peers
Kerry James, coach and specialist sounding board
And importantly
Wouldn’t it be great to hold onto a healthy and happy life outside work to avoid the whole lot crashing down at your feet?
What if you could enjoy it?
Contact me for a no charge, no obligation discussion about how we could work together.
What People Say
I found Kerry to be an invaluable listening ear when I needed some perspective on juggling a demanding role with life as a mum to two young children.
A rare opportunity to share ideas and experiences with people in similar situations in other firms
What a great session! We’ve not stopped talking about it. We found it enlightening, very useful and motivational. That level of reflection will help drive team growth and change.
There was a clear structure from session to session to allow real development and change to happen over time.
Kerry understands where we are coming from. She just gets it!
I always enjoy working with Kerry. She is pragmatic, effective, and entertaining.
It has been a real privilege to work with Kerry. She is a fantastic coach. She put me at ease but also challenged me to discuss areas I wouldn’t usually tackle.
I am generally quite a private and reserved person, but Kerry made me feel very relaxed and comfortable. She gently, caringly, professionally, and respectfully led me through a process that facilitated my personal reflection.
I was so inspired by this morning’s session. I really enjoyed the safe space and hearing from others across the firm.
Kerry is a great coach, asking incisive questions to really get to the root of things. She is enthusiastic, practical, and supportive. Kerry has helped to equip me with the tools, techniques, and confidence I need to succeed. I highly recommend working with her.
Kerry had a keen awareness of our organisation’s strategic and cultural needs. She encouraged the team to take an increasingly consultative approach and to ensure that initiatives are not just engaging but also have a meaningful impact on performance.